Fractional Legal Services

Commercial Contracts

We provide full business life cycle support - from NDAs to all kinds of service contracts. We review, negotiate, and give you the time to focus on other strategic goals while working through your commercial legal needs. Ideate Legal is able to equip you, your company, with the legal templates needed to help with the build out of a legal department and business needs.

Strategy & Roadmapping

Business never stops. Understanding how legal fits on your roadmap is critical to help understand how to minimize risk, amp up culture and create a framework for transparency that will be a cornerstone of the business. Ideate Legal strives to anticipate these changes and needs so you can focus more on creating what you love most without having to take more time to understand the legal side of the business.

Cross-Functional Legal

Ideate Legal takes pride in working alongside different business units. Whether it’s engineering, global-supply chain, brand and marketing, or general corporate matters; let us help cross-functionally to identify gaps, work through business needs and help minimize legal liability and risk.

Employment Empowerment - Navigating Agreements

Unlock the full potential of your employment relationships with negotiation services. Experience in guiding clients through the entire employment lifecycle, from skillfully negotiating comprehensive employment agreements and optimizing salary packages to navigating smooth exits through negotiations for exit agreements and severance packages noting that each negotiation aligns with the unique needs of our clients. Elevate your employment experience with strategic and personalized negotiation solutions.